Friday, September 6, 2013

Jesus Loves Us... Did YOU Know?

You ever love something so much that you feared losing it? So you begin to come up with ways (consciously or subconsciously) to protect and shelter it so that you don't lose it... only to smother it in such a way that the very risk you weren't trying to take, you've forced!

I've had a second chance, despite my path along the way... And I know that God is real because He allowed me to experience true love! It is NOT a storybook romance, it was an intentionally connection and willingness to love in spite of how I may been struggling with whatever life was throwing my way.

How much more does our Father in Heaven love each of us? I reflect on how my children may do something that is wrong, and I don't just cast them away. How my job may not run smoothly, but I'll push through. How our vehicle may act up, but it still can be used. God knew that given the opportunity to understand His love for us, that it REALLY is unconditional, and that He would sacrifice His Son for us, and that one day, the light would come on and we would get the picture... but, that even if we never did, we were so important to Him that He wanted to ensure that we have a way to live life to the fullest! That's love...

True love is in part determined by your commitment to each other, by the way you live out your lives together day by day, expressing your love in every possible way through respecting each other, encouraging each other, and serving each other minute by minute, hour by hour.
True love must be other centered. You see the real problem in most marriages that are under siege is self-centeredness. The surface issues may be money, in-laws, the distribution of household chores, the kids and/or sex. Underneath those issues lurks the “kingdom of me”. When my needs, my expectations, and my desires, determine my behavior toward my spouse the only one I truly love is me.(

I've found that when I focus on others, and it's done in love... I can't go wrong. The love is felt and intensified by the genuineness of it. It is an undeniable good thing. Here's to remembering just how much I am loved this day, and showing Christ's love to others... God bless