Tuesday, March 27, 2012

It's time to do His Will

Ever try to walk away from something you've started, not because you didn't want to be bothered, but maybe because you told yourself that everything else was more important... only to come back to the very thing you started because you realized you HAVE to finish what has been started. In essence, that "thing" that you started was a project so large that you could not avoid it, you could not ignore it!

It is truly time to do His will! The wheels of motion nearly came to a complete stand still. I believe that is what woke in me, shook me in a literal "wake up" and move that you would give to a sleeping child. There is no time to stand still.

It never ceases to amaze me just how much God covers us, even during our moments of standing still (for me that is my great storms). He really loves us with an agape' love. It is unconditional, baffling me every time I think about how much I have not done what I set out to do, failed to miss a mark, or just gave up on a task; and yet He still loves me. Watches over me and shows me just how much He cares.

In what way have you recognized just how much He loves you? I am certain that is what drives me to do His will for my life. I know how much He watches over me, I want to ensure that I am doing what I can to be a part of His plans for me. The rewards are phenomenal, and I am always left feeling a deep sense of gratitude and peace.

Be encouraged, your best is yet to come! Much love, Q

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