Saturday, August 18, 2012

Be grateful...

Do you have anything to be grateful about? Has God done anything for you that you know was a miraculous wonder? It may sound like the beginning of a testimonial Wednesday night services... but do we have to be at church and wait for an invitation to give God His props...

This week I have a special praise report... One that on paper does NOT sound like it is worth a praise. But looking at things outside the box, realizing it could have gone very different had I not been in tune with what kept ringing in my ears...

 [SN: for those of you who swear out you have never heard God speak... ever been at a stop sign... had a "feeling" that you needed to go down a different road... leave the house, and think... something isn't right, and go back to realize you left something on, or hadn't lowered the garage door, or didn't lock the door... or about to enter the highway, and think, let me take an alternate route... only to realize you avoided a bad accident, or major traffic... Getting ready to turn in a project, and you think... let me look over this one more time (despite the fact you've reviewed it 100 times already), only to find a major mistake that could have cost you... my point is, when you tune into that "something told me" "feeling" "gut instinct"... because He (God) created us, He lets us know when we need to do something that will keep us from danger, or improve our present state... and in most cases seem simple or ridiculous, but will be that basic thing that takes us to the next level!... More on this another time.]

I was with a friend who was checking on her financial aid for this last semester that we should have at school. The system had changed the semester we entered our program, and she and I started at the same time. Regulations emphasized actual classroom hrs instead of whether we were enrolled and attended class. This meant if you had financial aid that you were granted, or had applied for a loan, until the hours required for each semester were met, no funds could or would be released.

I had done my due diligence (so I thought)... I had applied for a scholarship early, met with my financial aid folks every 2 to 3 weeks to ensure I hadn't missed anything that needed to be done prior to my last semester, and I altered my schedule to go to class during the day and night to boost my hours needed. But I clearly heard God speak to me... go check on your financial aid... I've been checking on it... and looked online, I've met every guideline, crossed every T, dotted every I... but I didn't miss a beat, I made time and sat in the office. 

ShaneQua... you won't have what you need for school... Ah... school starts Monday... what will I need?... She goes on to explain the new system... and that despite all my EFFORTS... the best she could offer would be to come up with half of my tuition by Monday, and apply for a discretionary loan to cover the difference! Determined not to be discouraged... I told my friend who sat beside me, we were too close to the finish line... we know that God has already met this need, and that we just needed to relax.

That was Wednesday, school starts Monday... I was emotionally overwhelmed, but committed to the knowledge that  my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. [Philippians 4:19]

Thursday, I heard God speak to me again... check your mail (something I don't do daily, and have often skipped a week)... the only letter in the box... a letter from my school... congratulations, we have selected you for a scholarship in the amount that I needed to start school on Monday!!!

Never give up, no matter how discouraging your situation may become... Remember all that you have need of, God has ALREADY made provision for...

Be encouraged, the best is yet to come! Much love, ShaneQua

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Stay Connected

After 5 hours of recharging I pick up my phone, relieved that I have finally remembered to charge it. I look at the bars fully expecting that the bars will reflect the length of time I put in. Which is when I noticed... the bars reflected less than what I started with... in fact, the charge was in a depleted zone, threatening to shut down! I then glance at the computer that was also plugged in... no battery life as well.

There must be another problem. I did what I should have, where was the full energy I should gotten by doing my part?

What happens when we insist that we are doing our part, knowing or unknowing, just not plugged completely in? The reality is, that if we just aren't plugged into the power source, we will NOT be recharged! Even worse, we will continue to be drained of all power until we eventually shut down... the power RENEWS our strength.

We have to know that we are doing what is required so that we won't miss the opportunity to stay fully energized. God has given us the tools needed [His Word and the Holy Spirit] to stay fully energized. It is imperative that we do what is necessary to stay connected to our Father. His mercy/grace is new every morning (Lamentations 3: 21-24)... we don't have to work with used resources, we must only plug into what is new EACH day!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

It's time to do His Will

Ever try to walk away from something you've started, not because you didn't want to be bothered, but maybe because you told yourself that everything else was more important... only to come back to the very thing you started because you realized you HAVE to finish what has been started. In essence, that "thing" that you started was a project so large that you could not avoid it, you could not ignore it!

It is truly time to do His will! The wheels of motion nearly came to a complete stand still. I believe that is what woke in me, shook me in a literal "wake up" and move that you would give to a sleeping child. There is no time to stand still.

It never ceases to amaze me just how much God covers us, even during our moments of standing still (for me that is my great storms). He really loves us with an agape' love. It is unconditional, baffling me every time I think about how much I have not done what I set out to do, failed to miss a mark, or just gave up on a task; and yet He still loves me. Watches over me and shows me just how much He cares.

In what way have you recognized just how much He loves you? I am certain that is what drives me to do His will for my life. I know how much He watches over me, I want to ensure that I am doing what I can to be a part of His plans for me. The rewards are phenomenal, and I am always left feeling a deep sense of gratitude and peace.

Be encouraged, your best is yet to come! Much love, Q